На Итаку не вернусь. И не просите.
1. Night Games

Coyote's flute echoes on the canyon walls

while Koshare plays night games.

03.07.2006 в 20:09

На Итаку не вернусь. И не просите.
2.Sacred Fire

03.07.2006 в 20:12

На Итаку не вернусь. И не просите.
3. Wisdom Jar

Sometimes I wish

that something as elusive as wisdom

could be kept in a jar

and easily found when needed.
03.07.2006 в 20:17

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4. Coyote Sun

Coyote steals the sun

and the world turns cold.

Will Coyote's tricks lead to disaster?
03.07.2006 в 20:18

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5. Sun Dance

Turtle, with his bright shell,

dances to the golden sun.
03.07.2006 в 20:20

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6. Spars with Fireflies

A summer evening falls,

the fireflies come out to dance.

Bobcat spars with them,

dancing in the setting sun.
03.07.2006 в 20:21

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7. Sunset Suite

The fire of a dying sun

lights up the canyon.

The wind, the pounding of a strong heart,

the brilliant colors of a setting sun

create a orchestrated piece...

a sunset suite.
03.07.2006 в 20:23

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8. Rainbow Magic

Rainbow had gone into the earth;

Badger dug her out again

so she could fill the sky with her beauty.

Now Badger has stripes

where clay has stained his fur.
03.07.2006 в 20:25

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9. Snake Sun, Rabbit Moon

As the moon reflects the sun's glow,

so does hare reflect snake.
03.07.2006 в 20:26

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10. Night Jar

Wise One brings forth the night

from a jar in which it is kept.
03.07.2006 в 20:27

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11. Night Music

A mysterious light,

a bonfire its glow on painted skin.

Are those mesas

or ancient cities behind him?

Night music anyone?
03.07.2006 в 20:38

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12. The Flute Player




Sacrifice for Wisdom
05.07.2006 в 01:18

аригато дзайсе
класс! то, что надо.
05.07.2006 в 02:52

На Итаку не вернусь. И не просите.
miriam_from_magdala, меня эти акварели очень вдохновляют =)